Equity Of Experience
Free fall is the movement of bodies only under the gravity of the Earth.
In the Earth ' s environment, the fall of bodies is considered to be conditional, since the body falls in the air, the force of air resistance is always present.
An ideal free fall is possible only in a vacuum where there is no air resistance, and regardless of mass, density and shape, all bodies fall equally rapidly, i.e. at any time the bodies have the same instant speed and acceleration.
It's possible to see the perfect free fall of the bodies in Newton's tube if the pump can pump out of it.
In further reflections and in dealing with the challenges, the force of friction over the air and consider the fall of bodies in the ground perfectly free.
With the free fall, all bodies near the Earth ' s surface, regardless of their mass, are given the same acceleration as the acceleration of the free fall.
Symbol of acceleration of free fall - g.
Acceleration of the free fall on Earth
approximately equal to:
g = 9, 81m/s2.
The acceleration of the free fall is always directed to the centre of the Earth.
In the vicinity of the Earth ' s surface, the force of gravity is considered constant, so the free fall of the body is the movement of the body under constant force. Consequently, free fall is an equal-speed movement.
The vector of gravity and its acceleration of free fall are always the same.
All formulas for equal speed are applicable for free drop of bodies.
Speed at free fall of the body at any time:
body displacement:
In this case, instead of acceleration a the formulae for equal speed is the acceleration of the free fall =9, 8m/s2.
In an ideal fall, the bodies falling from the same height reach the Earth ' s surface with the same speeds and the same fall time.
With the perfect free fall, the body returns to Earth at a speed equal to the original speed module.
The time of fall is equal to the time of movement upstream of the eyebrow to the complete stop at the highest point of the flight.
Only on Earth's poles are bodies falling strictly vertically. In all other parts of the world, the trajectory of a free falling body is deviated to the east by the force of the Cariolis, which occurs in rotating systems (i.e. the influence of Earth rotation around its axis).
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